TRIZfest-2024 Concludes: Four Days of Innovation and Global Collaboration
The September TRIZfest-2024 conference was another global gathering of TRIZ enthusiasts organized by the International TRIZ Association (MATRIZ), this time in collaboration with the Malaysia TRIZ Innovation Association (MyTRIZ). The event, held in Kuching, Malaysia, provided ample opportunities for networking and collaboration among participants.
The TRIZfest-2024 conference was attended by almost 200 participants, making it one of the largest TRIZ events of this year and showcasing the latest advancements and applications of this innovative problem-solving methodology. The conference attracted a diverse group of attendees, including researchers, engineers, academic representatives, and industry professionals from countries such as Malaysia, China, Indonesia, India, Russia, the Philippines, Germany, Turkey, the Czech Republic, Ukraine, Poland, and the USA. The gathered participants had a unique opportunity to meet and share their knowledge and experiences. The conference also had a significant impact on the local TRIZ community, with over 90% of participants being Malaysian and representing various sectors and levels of experience.
More than thirty presentations and panel discussions covered a wide range of TRIZ-related topics, from classics like inventive principles to the integration of AI with TRIZ, as well as the implementation of TRIZ in educational programs.
TRIZfest-2024 was a resounding success, demonstrating the growing importance of TRIZ as a tool for innovation and problem-solving, especially in the rapidly developing parts of the world. The conference served as a platform for knowledge sharing, networking, and inspiration, leaving attendees eager to explore the potential of TRIZ in their own work.
If you would like to learn more details, please read the TRIZfest-2024 Proceedings, TRIZfest Report and view the official photo report from this event.
Innovate with TRIZ and AI for sustainable global growth
The 19th International Conference “TRIZfest-2024” will be held in Kuching, Malaysia from September 4th to 6th, 2024, with a pre-conference day of tutorials and workshops on September 3rd and post-conference attractions on September 7th.
The event is organized by the International TRIZ Association (MATRIZ) and the Malaysia TRIZ Innovation Association (MyTRIZ).
Updated Dates for Abstracts and Papers
Dear Friends and Practitioners of TRIZ,
Please note that the dates for submitting abstracts and papers have been updated. You have more time to prepare your proposals, to clarify the details and to submit them. The new dates can be found below and in the updated Call for Abstracts.
Papers submission schedule:
- Abstract Submission Deadline: May 26th, 2024
- Notification of Abstract Acceptance: June 16th, 2024
- Full Paper Submission: July 31st, 2024
- Notification of paper’s acceptance: August 18th, 2024
- Final version paper Submission: August 31st, 2024
Technical Committee
- Tan Eng Hoo
Founding member of The Malaysia TRIZ Innovation Association - Sergey Yatsunenko
President of MATRIZ - Sergei Ikovenko
Chairman of the Council on Expertise and Methodology (CEM) of MATRIZ - Sergey Logvinov
Chairman of TRIZ Research and Development Council (TRDC) of MATRIZ - Alp (Yue) Lin
MATRIZ Vice President of TRIZ Deployment in the People’s Republic of China - Tito Kishan Vemuri
MATRIZ Vice President of TRIZ Deployment in India - Blazej Czajkowski
Executive Director of MATRIZ - Magdalena Krupinska
Academic Secretary of MATRIZ
Communication Committee
- Blazej Czajkowski
Executive Director of MATRIZ - Magdalena Krupinska
Academic Secretary of MATRIZ - Tan Eng Hoo
Founding member of The Malaysia TRIZ Innovation Association